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Leh.js (Also called Lehdah CLI) is a web based cli interface that relies on WASM and uses Esbuild to parse input and function.

The most used example for testing if it functioned in development is displayed below.

console.log("Hello, World!");

Also you can’t execute files in this so you have to type in the JavaScript directly.

A message from the creator, you cannot install packages using npm in this, Sorry.

Trying to will result in the following error:

Error executing command: Error: Transform failed with 1 error:
:1:4: ERROR: Expected ";" but found "install"

Screenshot 2024-05-28 12 15 04 PM

NOTE: We are aware that the layout of the CLI is not professional and we don’t want to be made fun of.


Thank you to all contributors and resources that have helped shape Leh.js.

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The creator has became aware of confusion of it not actually being Node.js.